Your Stay at Samahita Gives You

  • Nature and her beauty
  • Fresh pure air
  • The sun and its natural light
  • Homemade nutritious food
  • Time and space to relax and sleep
  • Breath regulation practices skillfully instructed
  • Yoga body practices to cultivate your nerves, spine, organs and joints
  • Core and cardio workouts for strength and circulation
  • New practices and techniques to learn
  • Ways to discover things about yourself you never knew
  • Personal time with the sounds and sights of nature
  • New connections and conversation with interesting people
  • Meditative approaches to look within and find peace
Your Stay at Samahita Gives You
The BHU Program Gives

The Brain Health Upgrade Program Gives You More

  1. Mitochondria enhancement with red light and near-infrared light therapy
  2. Brain wave modulation through Audio Visual Entrainment
  3. Meditation entrainment with mini-EEG biofeedback
  4. One-to-one direct personal support with a trained teacher

    • A float therapy session for total relaxation
    • Full spectrum Infrared sauna sessions
    • Brain enhancing nutritional support so your brain literally has more energy
    • Every class and program in YogaCoreCycle

Take even better care of your brain. Improve its connectivity, functioning, and clearing out
Combine classic knowledge and experience in meditation with some of the best biohacks for the brain

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