50 Hour Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher Training

Guest Teacher Program

50 Hour Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher Training

with Jeanine Talento, Brooke Alexander
August 10-16, 2024 at Samahita

About The Retreat

When “teaching” Yoga, we are not just guiding poses.

We are guiding people.

We are guiding nervous systems.

We are guiding complex and unique physiologies.

Each of us has a different orientation of how we perceive our own safety or lack thereof. Through a psycho-somatic understanding of Trauma and the ways it lives in the body, we can embrace the practice of Yoga in a way that permits each individual to have their own experience. Psycho-education around dissociation and disembodiment can give us the tools to not only understand our own physiology but the ways in which the inner worlds and trauma responses of the folks that we work with may differ from our own.


  • What is Trauma?
  • The Nervous System & Polyvagal Theory
  • Tools for Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation
  • The Story of Yoga Through a Trauma-Informed Lens
  • Yamas & Niyamas through a Trauma-Informed Lens
  • Considerations for Teaching trauma affected populations
  • Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation and Pranayama
  • Teaching a Trauma-Informed Titration Style Practice
  • Authenticity, Attachment, & Attunement
  • Understanding the nervous system
  • Considerations for working with & teaching yoga to trauma survivors
  • Understanding symptomology ~ Yoga for Anxiety & Depression
  • Depathologizing & destigmatizing mental illness
  • Inclusive language
  • Resourcing
  • Pranayama for trauma
  • Understanding triggers
  • Leadership tools
  • Self-care within community care
  • Ceremonies & rituals

Jeanine Talento, E-RYT 500, is a Trauma-Informed Educator, Yoga Teacher Trainer, Emotional Freedom Facilitator & passionate writer. Jeanine believes in the power of healing through a reconnection to Self, authenticity, vulnerability, and an honoring of our unique human experiences.

A seasoned facilitator of 1:1 mentorships, Yoga Teacher Trainings, Retreats & Women’s circles, Jeanine brings a light hearted approach to Trauma Informed work that normalizes and releases shame around the difficulties of being human.

Jeanine’s yoga journey began in 2006 in New York City as a way to seek relief from mental health struggles including anxiety, depression, OCD and insomnia. Little did she know, the same perceived suffering that brought her to Yoga would be exactly what she alchemized into her power, purpose, and personalized offerings.

Brooke Alexander is a Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher, a Transformational Group Facilitator, and an Integrative Health & Well-Being Coach. She is a naturally gifted space holder who has committed her life to empowering others on their healing journey of heart, mind, body and soul.

Brooke completed her first 200-hour yoga teacher training with School Yoga Institute in Bali in 2017 and completed her 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Yoga Psychology with Ashley Turner. Over the years, she has invested in many hours of trauma-informed trainings, including yoga for addiction, anxiety, depression, and disordered eating. She is currently enrolled in a year long graduate level program with Dr. Gabor Mate, studying powerful therapeutic approaches for healing trauma and understanding mental and physical illness.

Brooke works at a therapy center where she specializes in teaching yoga and mindfulness to teens and adults with eating disorders, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and a variety of other mental health challenges. Additionally, as the co-founder of Becoming Mentorship, she facilitates healing, transformational, and empowering programs and retreats.
Brooke’s mission in life is to remain in service of all beings by holding a space of unconditional love and strength for the entirety of each individual’s unique process and transformation. She feels honored to serve individuals as they uncover the radiant perfection of their true nature and step into their power.

Daily Schedule

7:00am – 8:30am Somatic Study
8:30am – 10:00am Breakfast
10:00am – 1:00pm Lecture/Special Topic
1:00pm – 3:00pm Lunch
3.00pm – 6.00pm Practical Application/Consideration for TIY
6.00pm – 7.00pm Dinner
7.00pm – 9.00pm Ceremony/Movement Medicine

Enjoy Our All Inclusive Facilities





Guest Rooms

Guest Rooms

The Heart of Samahita is found in its impressive mix of facilities that provide the space for your experience, as well as through the food where tasty and healthy merge powerfully, and in our quality mix of guest rooms, where you can stay in the highest of standards right at the beach or find rooms to suit all budgets from beach to garden. And when here you can also paddle board, kayak and snorkel, amongst other activities. Feel free to take a tour and find out where Samahita is located.