Luisa’s personal report about my experience at the “Centered Yoga – 200 hours teacher training”

There are certain moments when life seems to happen, things around us naturally evolve towards a direction that we do not yet, and then comes a moment when everything seems clear and in the mind a limpid idea appears, such as an illumination or revelation, which we feel we must follow, dragged by a kind of major force. So I think back to certain moments of my life, painful and joyful, that have made me grow and evolve in what I AM. And so it was also my decision to subscribe the application for the “200 hours yoga teacher training” at the “Centered Yoga” in later june.

My idea was mainly to deepen the knowledge of this magnificent art of living that is yoga. In fact, the real “revelation” of YOGA came to me last year during an holiday retreat I had at Samahita with “Centered Yoga” teachers, where I also had the chance to discover Thailand as a sincere, relaxing earth from the infinite landscapes, thanks to its inhabitants always very welcoming and sincere.

I felt something special in that place and while there, for the first time I was really looking deep in my life and understanding that I never really took some time for that, always thinking about being what people nearest to me whould like me to be (not the real I).

Furthermore, working as an ingeneer for a construction company, I was always thinking about my carreer and, as a woman, needed always to demonstrate twice your own capacity…so it takes a lot of energy! Since that first experience, the seed of yoga begin growing in my heart, so that I finally started let my dream going real and decided to coming back to Samhita for the “200 hours yoga teacher training”.

I really appreciated the training not only for the intense practice and learning of the asanas, but for making us find our real self, connected with the energy of the group, really important for the practice. I do not hide that during the training I felt also some difficult moments for the load of “work” of the exams, rightly as a serious school is.

Getting back into my daily life in Paris is difficult but at the same time I feel much more “centered”, as the learned meditation and pranayama techniques really help to clear the mind, going deep to our roots, arise and handle our energy. My practice continues morning and evening and even more, I feel nourished by it; anytime coming back to my mat I feel as I’m gonna discovering something new, and that’s esxactly as life is.

Key points transmitted during the classes are very clear and allow me to better feel the space that asana practice can open in ourselfs.

For now I’m not teaching yet but actually I feel every day more I would like to share my “yoga understanding” as a gift to offer to someone else.

This is the magic of yoga!

Life is tricky (as someone says ;-), and handle it its the real challenge!

Here I am, urdva dahnurasasna in Champs de Mars J Paris